Quadruple Helix Collaboration in practice Insights from the EU Project RiConfigure

Quadruple Helix Collaboration in practice Insights from the EU Project RiConfigure

Publicada el: 2023-06-09 12:59:11

Autores: Braun, Robert , Collin Hagan, Kathrine , Gerhardus, Anna , González, Francisco , Häußermann, Jakob , Langkjær, Frederik , Popa, Eugen , Schroth, Fabian , Starkbaum, Johannes

Financia:Programa Horizonte 2020 de la Unión Europea.

Año: 2021

Categoría:Avanciencia concluidas

Estado: Finalizado

Climate change is one of the main challenges of our times. It is a wicked, complex and systemic challenge with enormous consequences requiring innovative solutions and transitions in all corners of society. For this reason, it cannot be handled by one single actor with one set of tools but rather calls for collaboration and joint problem-solving. This is notoriously demonstrated by the case of the yellow vests in France, where the government attempted to mitigate climate change via tax reforms, which instead en - ded up fueling riots. This case not only illustrates the importance of collaboration in ge - neral, but it also stresses the importance of collaborating with civil society in particular when seeking solutions to handle the challenges of climate change.

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